

Ivana has many companies and many children, she also explores the potential and feelings of Czech women, founded the Solvo Institute for the development of potential and created a new mobile application Amicara, which solves difficult situations in the family. And yes, she is also the wife of Pavel Tykač. She met him when he was not yet a billionaire.


Entrepreneur Ivana Tykač is among the top ten most influential women in the Czech Republic. She graduated from the University of Economics in Prague and speaks four world languages – English, French, German, and Russian. She is regarded as one of the most significant figures in the Czech real estate business and has been active in the real estate industry since the early 1990s. She owns her own development company, specializing in the renovation of historical sights, the development of small luxurious apartment buildings, and property rentals.

Since 2012, she has been intensely involved in charitable work. She is the director and co-founder of the nonprofit organization WOMEN FOR WOMEN, which assists single parents with children, children, and complete families in need. Thanks to her exceptionally successful project “Lunches for Children “, thousands of disadvantaged children can afford school lunches every year.
During the global coronavirus pandemic, she founded the IT for Children project, which significantly helped hundreds of Czech schoolchildren who couldn’t participate in online education due to a lack of equipment. She is raising 6 children and alternates her residence between the Czech Republic and Switzerland along with her husband Pavel.


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