
It's Friday. As they say in America, Thank God it's Friday. And today, I am just briefly at work, since one of my daughters is currently in the Czech Republic, and I want to spend the day with her. I
During them, we first discovered the taste of the sea, encountered our first love, experienced sleeping under the open sky, found that the best sausages are the ones roasted on a freshly cut stick, or that after blueberries, our mouths
Wham. A big snowball is heading straight for my neck. And another one behind it. And one more. We're in the mountains, and the snowflakes are falling on our faces. For over an hour, my daughter and I have been
My initial impressions of the country can be summed up this way, despite being one of the smallest South American nations, it possesses qualities that even the most advanced world powers could envy.


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