During them, we first discovered the taste of the sea, encountered our first love, experienced sleeping under the open sky, found that the best sausages are the ones roasted on a freshly cut stick, or that after blueberries, our mouths stay blue for a long time like the sky, and after strawberries, they become as sweet as honey. Even now, holidays evoke various memories in us. As children, we eagerly looked forward to them from September 1, and it lasted throughout the school year. There was nothing EMPTY about the HOLIDAYS for us. They were full of adventure, experiences, leisure time, freedom, and the blissful awareness that we didn’t have to do almost anything – at least not get up, study, do homework, or sit quietly at our desks.
Although for us now, holidays mainly represent the concern of what on earth will we do with the kids for those two months, it’s still a magical word that evokes joy and anticipation in our hearts. It’s a time when we can disconnect from everyday obligations and focus on what truly fulfills us. Whether we’re young or old, holidays give us the opportunity to explore the world and discover new things.
For children, holidays are a time when they can explore magical places, form new friendships, and create their own stories. It’s a time when their imagination blossoms, and they can enjoy unrestricted freedom and the joy of play. Holidays are like a gift for children, something exciting to unwrap and even better to enjoy.
And what about us adults? We need holidays too. When our responsibilities start to feel relentless, holidays give us a chance to rest and recharge with new energy. It’s a time when we can reflect on ourselves, find time for our interests, and do something that truly fulfills us.
I am delighted that, along with our nonprofit organization WOMEN FOR WOMEN and all our small and big clients, we have successfully reached another set of holidays after this demanding school year. I could boast about staggering numbers and amaze you with the quantity of school lunches paid, housing deposits returned, or happier endings to relationships. But we don’t want to pat ourselves on the back right now. Even though the past school year was filled with challenges, novel projects, new wrinkles on our foreheads, and happy smiles over helping someone, we will take a breather during the holidays to continue extending a helping hand.
May your holidays bring you joy, relaxation, and most importantly, quality time with those who matter to you.
Ivana Tykač,